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Website Updates Are All About Security

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No matter what content management system you use to manage your website, there are going to be updates from time to time. Unless you are regularly adding content, those necessary updates may be out of sight, out of mind. But ignoring website updates can lead to big security risks. Find out how to keep everything up to date and safe both for you and your readers.

For a lot of small business owners, updating your website is something you think about every few years. Unless you are blogging or uploading new content, you may not even log in to your website regularly. Just like your first car, as long as everything still looks good on the outside, you might never bother to look under the hood or check for necessary maintenance. And that makes it far to easy to forget to keep everything current.

Security Updates Announce Dangers

But website updates mean a lot more than just cosmetic adjustments. Many content management systems, like Drupal and WordPress, release updates to correct security issues. When a CMS announces a security update it's a green light to hackers. The whole Internet knows that a plugin is vulnerable.

Hackers will often search for the unique code signature that identifies the vulnerable plugin. If you haven't updated your website, hackers will be able to identify you as an easy mark.

Zombie Websites

If you don't use an extensive online database or client portal you may think you are safe. After all, there's nothing on your website to hack. But stealing information is only one kind of hacking risk. Even if you only have a homepage, you are at risk of running a zombie website. Hackers can use the access point of an out-of-date plugin to get in to your code and automatically redirect your visitors to other, more dangerous websites.

A Hosting Service Can Help

You already pay someone to host your website. Somewhere, in some warehouse, there is a computer called a server that stores and runs your website. But, unless you use a hosting service, that's all you get – storage. No one is looking out for you or your website. Provisio Technology Services takes web hosting to a different level. By providing affordable ongoing website hosting and maintenance, Provisio helps close the security gaps in your code. Our web developers will regularly check for and install security updates.

Bring on a hosting service like Provisio Technology Services to manage your website between redesigns. It will help your business guard against hackers and close security gaps as they occur. Don't let your marketing investment turn into a zombie website. Contact Provisio Technology Services to commit to regular, professional website maintenance.