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Coaching You to a Better Website

mobile, mobile first
Today, most internet users access web content on their mobile devices. This shift in user behavior has prompted a significant change in how web applications are designed and developed. At Provisio, we champion the mobile-first approach, a methodology that prioritizes mobile device design and functionality before scaling up to larger screens. This blog post explores the importance of the mobile-first approach in web app development and how it can enhance user experience and drive business success.
Kacy O'Connell
Cybersecurity, web development

Since January 2017, Google Chrome has begun warning users when they visit websites that are “Not Secure”. Find out what the warning means, and what you can do to fix it on your company website.

Cybersecurity, News

Yahoo’s most recent security breach could have far-reaching consequences, even to former users. Find out if you could be hacked because of an old, dormant Yahoo account.

Websites, custom websites

You may think only big corporations need full databases on their websites. But even small businesses can benefit from the added functionality a database can provide.

custom websites, website

Have you ever visited your website with your user in mind? How do they know where to go, or what they can do while they are there?

web development, custom websites

How did you communicate with your last web development company? If you had a question for your designer or needed to review your content, where would you go?

Websites, custom web development

Did you know that websites expire? Like an old chocolate bar, you might still be able to use an outdated website, but it won’t be as good as it was when it was new.
