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Automotive Logistics Executive Committee

The Automotive Logistics Executive Committee (ALEC) represents an Automotive Industry consensus to drive change and process improvement in rail and highway transportation service. With over 100 members among automotive manufacturers and subsidiaries, ALEC acts as a liaison between the auto companies and the North American rail and highway network.

Their Needs

ALEC had been relying on an outdated website for a number of years. Information was difficult to find and the site could not be used on a mobile device. Meetings were tracked independently with a combination of a Microsoft Outlook account and multiple Excel spreadsheets. Documents such as meeting agendas and reports could only be uploaded as links in the body of announcements, and therefore could not be found through the site’s search function. The site was hardly being used with most communication via email with multiple attached documents.

Provisio’s Solution

Site Redesign

The site was made to be completely responsive for mobile devices and given a design motif that captured the feeling of transportation and logistics. The menu system, which had contained more than twenty top-level links, was consolidated to six categorical links which made it simple to find information quickly.

Member-Specific Information at a Glance

Once a member logs in, they see a dashboard with information that is specific to their own membership. Sidebar blocks show their committees, events for which they have registered, and recent documents from their committees.

Committee and OEM Memberships

To make it easier to track the various committee members and the documents related to their events, a group membership module was used to assign people to the committees and to categorize documents. To replace the hard-to-manage Excel spreadsheet, we also created groups for all of the auto companies and suppliers so that people could be associated with their companies as well as committees. This system enabled ALEC to completely eliminate the burdensome spreadsheet that had been their only way to manage membership.

Event Attendance

Event registrations are now tracked in the website. Members can not only register to attend, but also tentatively accept or decline the event, eliminating the need for the admin to do follow-up. Notification emails contain direct links so that you don’t even have to log in to the website to accept or decline the event.  

Added Value

Rather than just an information portal, the website is now a management tool for the organization, saving hours of administrative time and giving the entire membership the ability to see relevant information at a glance.