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Michigan Design Center

Michigan Design Center in Troy, Michigan, is a design showcase with over 2000 member professionals in interior design and architecture. They came to Provisio Technology Solutions with two outdated websites: one for their members, and one for consumers. They wanted to know whether there was there a way to do everything they needed all on one site.

Their Needs

  • One URL to address member and consumer needs automatically.
  • An updated and accessible website they could add content to themselves.
  • Integration with their existing MS SQL back-end member database.
  • Tiered registration for events that could distinguish between members and consumers.

Provisio's Solution

We created a new SEO-friendly website with built-in Google Analytics and a custom content management system (CMS) that allowed company employees to track and update the site. The custom Drupal website was equipped to pull live data from their back-end SQL database, allowing their website to always be up to date.

To address their two-tiered needs, Provisio built in a permissions system. Each member professional receives a login that grants access to members-only information, events, and discounts. The login ties into company emails, so if someone tries to buy a consumer-priced registration, he or she is prompted to log in to get the reduced member rate.

Added Value

Provisio professionals created a solution to allow the company's online digital magazine, “At Home” to be created in-house and published directly to its web server. The solution saved Michigan Design Center thousands in outsourced publication fees.