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Painless Chiropractor

Chiropractic Natural Health Associates in Southfield, MI specializes in painless chiropractic results through the use of state-of-the-art instruments that deliver precise, gentle adjustments. Their website,, uses a domain that is synonymous with this philosophy, and they market their chiropractic service using this name. came to us with the following needs:

  • Custom design to avoid the templated look of common websites
  • Mobile optimization
  • Make it easy for their staff to add content, including videos
  • Make it easy for customers to contact them and make appointments

The intent of the redesign was to create a warm, calming impression and to highlight the experience of the doctors. Many of the images, including those on the home page, were provided by the client. By using photos of the office and staff, the site has a personalized feel that could not have been accomplished with stock photography.

A Meet the Doctors section on the home page allows potential visitors to see the doctors and read their personal stories to build a level of trust.

The office phone number is prominently displayed in the header and is a clickable link to automatically place the call when accessed from a mobile device. A custom form enables customers to request specific appointment windows to save time for scheduling.

In addition to these features, Provisio built best-practice SEO components into the site to add metatags, URL aliases and link checking. The staff is able to manage their SEO efforts and view the effectiveness of their content tagging.

Within six months of launching the site, Dr. Bryan Born reported that the site had increased their online conversions by nearly 400%.