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Coaching You to a Better Website

progressive web app, PWA

Delivering exceptional user experiences is paramount for businesses looking to engage and retain their audiences.

Kacy O'Connell
custom web app, web apps

Now more than ever, user engagement plays a pivotal role in the success of websites and applications.

Kacy O'Connell
mobile-friendly, mobile first

Mobile devices' rising prominence has transformed how people access information and interact with businesses.

Kacy O'Connell
agile development, business automation software

In today's competitive business landscape, organizations constantly seek ways to optimize their internal processes and streamline operations.

Kacy O'Connell
UX, ux audit

A UX audit comprehensively evaluates your website's user experience, including its layout, navigation, content, and functionality.

Kacy O'Connell
ux audit, UX

User experience (UX) is a critical aspect of any website, as it directly affects how users interact with and perceive your site.

Kacy O'Connell
digital transformation, legacy systems

Whether it's the 30-year-old mainframe system that can't be replaced because of its place in your organization's accounting infrastructure or the three-year-old Java applica

Kacy O'Connell