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Coaching You to a Better Website

mobile, mobile first
Today, most internet users access web content on their mobile devices. This shift in user behavior has prompted a significant change in how web applications are designed and developed. At Provisio, we champion the mobile-first approach, a methodology that prioritizes mobile device design and functionality before scaling up to larger screens. This blog post explores the importance of the mobile-first approach in web app development and how it can enhance user experience and drive business success.
Kacy O'Connell
website, custom website

To make the most of their web marketing budget, small business owners need a basic understanding of SEO and how keywords work.

keywords, website

As a business owner getting ready for a website overhaul, you need to know how to make the most of your web marketing dollars. In the last post, you learned how modern keywords work.

webpage, website

If you are a business owner preparing for a website update, there are some SEO basics you should know.

SEO, website

As a business owner, you probably hear a lot about SEO these days. If you had your website professionally designed, you may think you've got it handled.

phishing, Cybersecurity

If you are running a small business, you understand the importance of protecting your online information.

Cybersecurity, Encryption

The more your business does online, the more important cybersecurity becomes.
