digital transformation
Beyond Code: The Importance of User-Centered Design in Custom Web Development
In custom web development, lines of code are the building blocks, the essential framework upon which digital creations come to life. Code is the language machines understand, the foundation for constructing web applications and software. However, the true measure of success in web-based software development extends far beyond the intricacies of code. It lies in the user experience, a realm profoundly influenced by a principle we hold dear: user-centered design.
Transforming your Business for the Digital Future: Legacy System Modernization
Whether it's the 30-year-old mainframe system that can't be replaced because of its place in your organization's accounting infrastructure or the three-year-old Java application that nobody knows how to fix when it breaks, legacy systems are a fact of life for most organizations. Unfortunately, many problems plague legacy systems. Supporting, maintaining, enhancing, or integrating with new systems is challenging.
The Challenges That Come with the Digital Transformation of Your Business
You've decided to revamp your company's website, become cloud-based, or depend more heavily on data analytics, but where do you begin? What kinds of digital transformation obstacles should you anticipate?
Almost every company, regardless of size, has challenges during the digital transformation process. Here's how to deal with them.