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web application

Why Are Code Audits Beneficial?

Code audits are essential for gaining insight into any custom software project. They provide clarity on the existing state of an application and help organizations determine where changes need to be made.

Any custom software project necessitates thought, planning, and a commitment of resources. Code audits are an essential tool for comprehensive insight when clients need to understand the current state of their application.

Why a WISP Is Important For Your Company

A Written Information Security Program (WISP) is documentation that describes the security controls, processes, and policies of an organization. In addition, a WISP is a roadmap for an organization's IT security that is required by law in several states.

A Written Information Security Program is intended to provide your organization with solid security procedures that not only reduce the likelihood of a breach but also limit your liability if one occurs.

Streamline Workflows with Custom Business Process Automation Software

It’s common to view revenue growth through the lens of increased sales or contracts. But for many companies, the key to unlocking substantial financial growth opportunities can be buried in internal processes.

Processes and workflows should adapt and grow with a company. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. Far too frequently, a company's internal infrastructure fails to scale with its outside expansion, resulting in costly inefficiencies.

Is A Custom Web Application a Good Fit for Your Company?

People have grown accustomed to having all of their digital needs met promptly with the push of a button, which has resulted in the recent growth in the custom web application market. This demand for immediate satisfaction may seem unreasonable to you as a business owner. Still, if you can't offer your customers what they want when they want it, it can reflect poorly on your competence and, as a result, your business.

What is Web Application Software?

We've come a long way from the days when computers only had one version of software installed on each system via CDs (or its earlier precursor, the floppy disk!). Today, there are endless types of application software, or apps, to suit every need and purpose. As a result, applications have become ingrained in our daily work, life, and social activities. While you may use an app like Microsoft Word or Excel on your computer, a web application is software or a program that you can access through any web browser without having to download or install it.