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Create a site with custom style

Let's face it – most people judge a website by how it looks. But websites often send confusing messages about their content and can provide a disappointing experience to your site’s users.

What about premade templates?

There are lots of website services that offer hundreds of ready-made templates for your website. These services excel at creating easy-to-use, point-and-click web building experiences. However, selecting a template that truly communicates your unique value, let alone makes information easy to find, is not as easy as it seems. As a result, a lot of businesses end up with nice-looking but ineffective sites that don’t really give a visual indicator what their unique value proposition. When you find yourself trying to make your content or imagery fit the layout, you’ve got a problem. Your website is no longer working for you; you’re working for it.

Build a beautiful user experience

Good web design is much more concerned about the user experience (UX) than about how nice it looks. Think about the sites you use most often – do you enjoy using them because they look pretty, or because the experience is easy and enjoyable? When we create a design, our goal is to quickly communicate your value proposition and then guide the user to the service, offering or information that they will find valuable. If someone has a good experience visiting your site, they are likely to return – and the more people who return, the likelier you are to make a conversion.

Mobile optimization for the win

70% of people visiting your site will get to it from a mobile device. If your site isn’t designed with the mobile user as the primary focus, then you are at an immediate disadvantage. In fact, when search engines display results, a poorly-designed mobile experience will drive your site further down the page – or off the page completely. And it’s not just about making content legible at smaller screen sizes – it’s about understanding the fundamental differences about how people interact with mobile devices and adapting the interface to match.