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drupal 9

Why Is Accessibility Important for A Website?

When the internet was created, one of its core principles was to establish equal opportunities for everyone, including persons with disabilities. One in seven people has some type of disability, which may limit their ability to interact with websites. Having an accessible website is no longer optional, it is a must-have.

Why Accessible Design Matters

When looking at your website, imagine what would happen if you:

Web Accessibility Guidelines

What Are the Four Major Categories of Accessibility?

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are a vital tool for businesses and organizations striving to make their digital content accessible to all people. The WCAG is a step-by-step set of technical requirements that cover how to make your website, app or other digital assets accessible to people with a variety of disabilities.

Is Drupal Free to Use?

To say we think about Drupal a lot is an understatement. It is pretty much non-stop Drupal here at Provisio, but what exactly is Drupal? And is it free? Put simply, Drupal is an open source content management system (CMS), meaning it is free to use and does not require license or subscription fees. It's mostly built in the PHP programing language, and it is designed to create websites for use on a variety of web servers.

Questions to Ask When Designing A Website: The Specifics

In our last post, we covered the basic questions you should ask when getting ready to invest in a new website. Now that you have a general picture of your ideal website in your head, it’s important to really explore the details to avoid wasting time, money, and patience during the process. Let’s explore what questions you should ask next.

Upgrade Your Site to Drupal 9

Our favorite open source content management platform is getting better - Drupal version 9 is coming June 3, 2020.

Drupal 9 is unique. Unlike previous new major versions, it is not a reinvention of Drupal. What does that actually mean? Think of your website like a train. Previously, moving to new major versions of Drupal meant moving the train to a different track entirely. Beginning with Drupal 9, new versions will just be stations on the same track.