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custom websites

Unlocking Success: Best Practices for Seamless Website Development

In today's digital era, a well-designed and seamlessly functioning website is crucial for businesses to establish an impactful online presence. It is essential to follow best practices in website development to achieve a website that not only captivates visitors but also drives results.

What Types of Web Apps Are Used by Businesses?

You know your web presence is crucial to building your brand and attracting more customers. What if it's time your website did more than act as a billboard for your business? Custom web apps can help your company solve challenges and streamline systems for your employees and clients.

We've previously posted about custom web apps and what exactly they are—wondering what type of web app is right for your business? Let's take a look at some popular types of web applications.

Upgrade Your Site to Drupal 9

Our favorite open source content management platform is getting better - Drupal version 9 is coming June 3, 2020.

Drupal 9 is unique. Unlike previous new major versions, it is not a reinvention of Drupal. What does that actually mean? Think of your website like a train. Previously, moving to new major versions of Drupal meant moving the train to a different track entirely. Beginning with Drupal 9, new versions will just be stations on the same track.

The Value of Storytelling: Guiding the Project Process

Stories are important. They motivate users to act, drive results, and deliver outcomes. To get from discovery to launch, you need to understand your site’s users, their behavior, and their needs. User stories are very beneficial and useful tools for building software. When used correctly, they help build impactful end-user experiences.  

California Consumer Privacy Act Sets New Frontier for Internet Privacy

Do individuals have a right to control their online profiles? Should big internet businesses be allowed to secretly collect data on their users? The new California Consumer Privacy Act says “yes” and “they shouldn’t”. Here’s how the law could affect the way you do business by creating a new frontier for internet privacy.

Upgrade Your Stand-Alone Website to an Integrated Web Solution

Every business needs a website these days. Whether you are doing online retail sales, offering personal services, or connecting members across the country, the web is where business is happening. For many small start-up companies, their first web marketing effort is a stand-alone website built on a WordPress template or other DIY platform. But as your organization grows, you may need something more: an integrated web solution that does more of your work for you.