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Updating Your Website While Improving Usability

We’ve recently covered what makes good UX and UI design, and when it comes to designing websites, sometimes less is more. With a few simple improvements you can refresh your website and improve usability at the same time. Several subtle, seemingly small, things can take a good web design and make it great. At Provisio, make sure these little things don’t get overlooked when planning a design. Here are a few examples of simple but effective components we use to help elevate your site’s design while also improving usability for visitors.

The Importance of Good UI Design

We looked at the importance of UX design, and now we will cover UI design and why it is essential for engaging with your customers. While UX design refers to the quality of experience a user has interacting with your website, UI represents the features of your site that allow a user to interact with it. It includes the basic design elements that are required for a person to navigate your site and make decisions. For example, let’s say you are downloading a white paper from a website.

The Importance of Good UX Design

We have covered the difference between UI and UX, so now let’s take a look at why good design is so important. The user experience (UX) refers to the quality of experience a user has interacting with your website or application. All aspects of this interaction contribute to the UX. It is the good or bad feeling a person gets after using your company’s site or service.

Why Is Accessibility Important for A Website?

When the internet was created, one of its core principles was to establish equal opportunities for everyone, including persons with disabilities. One in seven people has some type of disability, which may limit their ability to interact with websites. Having an accessible website is no longer optional, it is a must-have.

Why Accessible Design Matters

When looking at your website, imagine what would happen if you:

Questions to Ask When Designing A Website: The Specifics

In our last post, we covered the basic questions you should ask when getting ready to invest in a new website. Now that you have a general picture of your ideal website in your head, it’s important to really explore the details to avoid wasting time, money, and patience during the process. Let’s explore what questions you should ask next.

Is Your Website Fast Enough for Your Users?

When it comes to the Internet, speed is key. But it’s not just about clocking your office’s upload and download speeds. You also need to pay attention to how fast your website loads and catches your users’ attention. If your website isn’t fast enough, your users might “bounce” and you might lose customers before you even make your pitch. Find out what is slowing your website down and holding your business back.

Web Designer or Web Developer? What's the Difference?

If your company is looking to update its online image and functionality, chances are you started your Internet search for a local web designer or web developer. But what's the difference? Are the two terms interchangeable? While design is important, a good web designer isn't enough to turn your adequate website into a multi-functional web portal for clients and staff. For that, you need a web developer.