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web solutions

Upgrade Your Stand-Alone Website to an Integrated Web Solution

Every business needs a website these days. Whether you are doing online retail sales, offering personal services, or connecting members across the country, the web is where business is happening. For many small start-up companies, their first web marketing effort is a stand-alone website built on a WordPress template or other DIY platform. But as your organization grows, you may need something more: an integrated web solution that does more of your work for you.

Use LifestyleLink to Automate Resource Conflict Management

Your active adult facility is overbooked. You’ve got a book club and a Zoomba class both trying to use the same space. Your overworked office manager is scrambling to find another place for either of them while two dozen angry residents look on, impatient to get on with their chosen activity. What do you do? And perhaps more importantly, how do you keep this from happening again? Find out how the LifestyleLink community management software can minimize these problems through automated resource conflict management.